If you suffer an injury whilst working from height, you may be able to claim compensation.
Falling from a Height
We have represented clients who have suffered injury whilst working on ladders, falling from a roof, from machinery, from scaffolding, other types of falls from a height and even falling from vehicles.
Quite often, falls from height, even a few feet, can cause serious injuries. Falls from a greater height can cause far more serious injuries and sadly, some may even result in death.
We act for clients on a 'no win no fee' basis
Injuries include multiple broken bones, head injuries and more
If you suffer an injury whilst working from height, you may be able to claim compensation.
Because of the seriousness of the injury, many of our clients are often unable to work for a long time and therefore suffer lost earnings.
This may be particularly difficult if a client is the sole income provider for his or her family.
Your employer has a duty to prevent injuries and death caused by falls from height while at work. The duty includes carrying out risk assessments before any work is started and ensuring relevant safety procedures are set out and acted upon.
The system of work must be regularly checked to ensure that it remains appropriate. If not, it must be revised.
This may mean, that the company’s Health & Safety Executive provide detailed guidance on safe working from height, keeping its website constantly updated.
If work from height cannot be avoided then the risks must be identified and steps taken to protect employees against those risks before the work starts. The duty to assess risks is continuous. The risks must be minimised to the lowest level that is reasonably possible.
Employees must be properly trained and be provided with suitable safety equipment to work safely from height.
Safety equipment could include helmets, harnesses, barriers etc.
Any equipment provided must be appropriate and in good condition. For example, a ladder must be suitable for use.
All equipment itself must be subject to regular inspections to ensure it remains safe for use.
If risks had been properly assessed and training provided but a fall from height was caused by defective equipment, then a claim for compensation could be made.
Failure to properly risk assess, failure to ensure compliance with any risk assessments and failure to properly train employees could give rise to a good basis of a claim for compensation.